A Ministry of Calvary Bible Church
  Welcome to Generation P15, the youth ministry of Calvary Bible Church Do you want to live a life without regrets?  God shows us how in His Word.  In Psalm 15, David asks the question: "Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle?  Who may dwell in Your holy hill?"  He's asking: "Who has the right to dwell in God’s presence here on earth and to live with Him forever in Heaven?"  The answer:  Jesus!  Only Jesus is worthy to commune with God the Father and, by His grace, He shares His right with all who are in Him and who are conformed to His image, all those who strive to be like Jesus!  Take a look around the site; we have some great resources coming to help you live a P15 life!  

©2006  All rights reserved.  Generation P15 - Calvary Bible Church - 1757 Houret Ct, Milpitas, CA 95035